[ Senin, 28 September 2009 ]
Tak Cukup Alat Bukti dan Saksi, SP3-kan Bibit dan Chandra
JAKARTA - Kuasa hukum dua pimpinan KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) nonaktif, Bibit Samad Riyanto dan Chandra M. Hamzah, mendesak Polri agar menghentikan penyidikan. Sebab, Mabes Polri dianggap tidak memiliki alat bukti dan saksi yang menguatkan dugaan pemerasan. Selain itu, Polri dinilai tidak konsisten dalam pemidanaan Bibit dan Chandra.
''Harus dihentikan penyidikan ini. Sebab, tidak ada bukti permulaan yang cukup untuk menyatakan status sebagai tersangka,'' kata Luhut Pangaribuan, salah seorang kuasa hukum Bibit dan Chandra, saat jumpa pers di Puri Imperium, Kuningan, Jakarta, kemarin (27/9).
Luhut menyatakan, tuduhan Polri bahwa Chandra dan Bibit memeras dan menerima suap paling tidak harus disertai dua saksi yang melihat secara langsung plus alat bukti. Misalnya, berupa tanda terima hitam di atas putih.
''Pada kasus ini, tidak ada alat bukti yang sah. Karena itu, harus dihentikan,'' kata Luhut yang mendampingi Bibit dan Chandra bersama kuasa hukum lain, seperti Alexander Lay, Taufik Basari, dan Ahmad Rifai.
Apalagi, ungkap Luhut, informasi yang diberikan saksi tidak akurat dan berubah-ubah. Soal tanggal penerimaan uang suap, misalnya, Chandra disebut menerima pada 27 Februari 2009, lalu 15 April 2009. Ada juga yang menyebut sekitar Maret. ''Mana yang benar, saya tidak tahu,'' ujarnya.
Karena itu, kata Luhut, SP3 (surat perintah penghentian penyidikan) harus dikeluarkan Polri. ''Apalagi, Kapolri mengatakan bahwa Polri tak berniat mendelegitimasi atau menggembosi KPK. Kalau itu betul, kami minta penghentian kasus ini,'' tegasnya.
Tim kuasa hukum menilai penyidikan oleh Bareskrim Mabes Polri itu telah menyalahi kode etik profesi kepolisian. Pasalnya, Kabareskrim Komjen Pol Susno Duadji dinilai dipengaruhi kepentingan pribadi dalam mengusut kasus tersebut.
Sebelumnya, Susno Duadji diduga terkait dengan pengusutan kasus Bank Century. Kabarnya, KPK menyadap Susno dalam kasus itu. Berbagai kalangan, termasuk purnawirawan polisi, mendesak agar Susno Duadji dinonaktifkan untuk memperjelas kasus tersebut.
Tim kuasa hukum sudah melaporkan soal itu ke Komisi Kepolisian Nasional (Kompolnas). ''Kami mengadukan telah terjadi tindak pidana pelanggaran yang dilakukan Kabareskrim terkait pasal 6 tentang penyidikan untuk kepentingan pribadi. Hal itu telah mengubah pemidanaan materiil dan pemaksaan dilakukannya penyidikan oleh polisi,'' kata Ahmad Rifai.
Sebelumnya, Kapolri Jenderal Pol Bambang Hendarso Danuri (BHD) menyatakan bahwa Bibit dan Chandra terlibat pemerasan terhadap Anggoro Widjojo dan penerimaan suap. Mereka disebut-sebut menerima suap dalam rangka penyelesaian kasus korupsi Sistem Komunikasi Radio Terpadu (SKRT) yang melibatkan PT Masaro Radiokom (perusahaan Anggoro) dan Dephut.
''Dasar penyidikan bukan semata testimoni. Tapi, laporan resmi yang diterima kepolisian dari Ketua KPK nonaktif Antasari Azhar,'' kata BHD di Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat lalu (25/9).
Tetapi, kuasa hukum Antasari Azhar, Ari Yusuf Amir, justru menampik pernyataan BHD. Menurut dia, laporan dan testimoni Antasari tidak murni dilakukan atas kemauan tersangka dalam kasus pembunuhan Dirut PT Rajawali Banjaran Nasrudin Zulkarnaen itu.
''Isi laporan sudah dibuat oleh tim penyidik. Pak Antasari disuruh menandatangani. Katanya, ini untuk kelengkapan administrasi. Isinya (laporan penyidik), awalnya penyalahgunaan wewenang. Tapi, kemudian dibuat lagi suap dari PT Masaro itu,'' kata Ari saat dihubungi Jawa Pos tadi malam.
Antasari, tutur Ari, tidak ikut menyusun laporan yang oleh BHD disebut bernomor LP/208/K7/2009/ SPK unit 3 bertanggal 6 Juli 2009 itu. ''Pak Antasari sendiri tidak tahu isinya. Dia hanya disuruh tanda tangan. Bukan kali itu saja polisi menyuruh Pak Antasari menandatangani surat yang mengatasnamakan dia. Alasannya, administrasi,'' ungkapnya.
Selain itu, lanjut Ari, Antasari pernah dipaksa agar menandatangani surat penangkapan. Padahal, dia dulu menyerahkan diri, bukan ditangkap. Begitu juga soal pemindahan tahanannya dari Polda Metro Jaya ke kejaksaan. ''Disuruh tanda tangan pindah tahanan ke kejaksaan. Padahal, sampai sekarang masih ditahan di polda,'' katanya.
Bibit dan Chandra juga buka suara kemarin. Mereka menuding polisi sengaja mencari kesalahan dalam upaya pemidanaan mereka. Sebab, pasal yang dituduhkan berubah-ubah.
''Apa yang dipersangkakan kepada saya sejak awal berubah-ubah. Awalnya, penyalahgunaan wewenang. Setelah banyak komentar masyarakat, berubah ke pemerasan atau penyuapan,'' kata Bibit.
Sehari sebelumnya, Kapolri menyebut seorang pimpinan KPK menerima uang suap di Bellagio Residence pada 12 hingga 18 Agustus 2008. Uang tersebut diserahkan Ari Muladi, orang suruhan Anggoro Widjojo, sebesar Rp 1,5 miliar.
Saat jumpa pers kemarin, Bibit kembali menampik tuduhan tersebut. Alasannya, pada tanggal itu, dia berada di Peru, Amerika Latin, untuk mengikuti pertemuan antikorupsi. Dia lantas menunjukkan surat jalan dari KPK, Kedutaan Besar Peru di Jakarta, paspor, tiket perjalanan, maupun dokumen kegiatan pensiunan jenderal polisi tersebut di Peru.
Selain itu, Bibit mengatakan tidak pernah tahu Bellagio. ''Saya ini, nama Bellagio Residence pun, nggak tahu. Demi Allah. Ini pensiunan polisi, bilang demi Allah. Tahu maksud dan konsekuensinya. Kalau ada yang mengaku ketemu saya, itu jin atau setan,'' paparnya.
Hal senada diungkapkan oleh Chandra. Dia menyebut tuduhan kepada dirinya terus berubah-ubah. Dalam dokumen yang diperoleh, disebutkan pada 27 Februari 2009 dia menerima duit suap. Tetapi, penyebutan tanggal itu tidak konsisten. Ada yang menyebut 15 April, ada juga sekitar Maret. "Entah, mana yang benar, saya tidak tahu," katanya.
Chandra menuturkan, alasan dirinya bergabung dengan KPK bukan mencari penghasilan. Dia menyatakan aktif dalam pembentukan KPK sejak sepuluh tahun lalu. Hanya, dia tidak langsung gabung karena persyaratan usia, yakni minimal 40 tahun. "Apa pun itu, saya nyatakan bahwa sangkaan tersebut tidak benar. Tujuan saya masuk KPK bukan mencari penghasilan, bukan mencari duit," tegasnya.
Dia menyatakan tidak kenal dengan Ari Muladi. Dia hanya mendengar nama itu ketika kasus tersebut mencuat. "Demi Allah, saya tidak pernah. Seumur hidup tidak pernah ketemu Ari Muladi. Kenal tidak pernah, kontak tidak pernah, berkomunikasi tidak pernah," ungkap dia. Begitu juga nama Edi Sumarsono.
Bagaimana pernyataan Kapolri bahwa Chandra menerima Rp 1 miliar di Pasar Festival? "Seumur hidup, saya tak pernah pegang uang cash Rp 1 miliar. Saya tidak tahu siapa yang merekayasa atau mereka-reka acara tersebut," tutur dia.
Soal pencekalan dan pencabutan cekal terhadap Anggoro Widjojo dan Djoko S. Tjandra, Chandra memberikan penjelasan. Dia membenarkan bahwa pencekalan dan pencabutan cekal itu dilakukan oleh KPK. Namun, itu murni dilaksanakan karena kasus, tidak disebabkan salah seorang pimpinan KPK belum mendapatkan duit suap. "Itu merupakan perdebatan hukum. Kami siap mempertanggungjawabkannya," ucap dia.
28 September 2009
24 May 2009
How to Make Your First $30 at Inbox Dollars in Under an Hour

For anyone who hasn’t heard of Inbox Dollars, it’s a website that pays you to read emails, take surveys, shop online, play games, and try out various products and services (as you can see from their banner on the Top Right ). Many people think it’s some sort of scam, but it’s simple advertising. Companies pay you to try out their products for free, hoping that you’ll like them well enough to keep using them even when you have to pay for them.
Here’s what we’ll cover in our $30 quest: Step Time Reward
Join Inbox Dollars 5 minutes get $5.00
Intro Survey 2 minutes get $1.00
Ebay Offer 5 minutes ger $6.00
Stamps.com 15 minutes get $10.00
OboPay 5 minutes get $4.00
Direct Scholar 2 minutes get $2.00
Survey Panels 15 minutes get $3.25
Note that not all of these offers may be available if you don’t live in the United States. Especilly take survey
Join Inbox Dollars
If you’re not already a member, you can click here to join. You’ll need to give them an email address. The number of emails you get from Inbox Dollars is low, so it’s safe to give your primary email. If you’re not comfortable doing that, get a free Gmail account and use that. We’ll be getting another Gmail account later, so get two while you’re at it.
You get $5 just for joining.
Intro Survey
When you login for the first time, you’ll be given the chance to take an introductory survey. This survey asks you some basic demographic questions. Complete it to earn another $1, for a total of $6 in your account.
You can take up to one survey a day. The other surveys available all require that you qualify for the survey by answering a pre-survey set of questions. I’ve not had much luck qualifying, but your luck might be different. I’ll assume you’re not doing any daily surveys, so the $1 for each survey won’t be part of the $30.

Ebay Offer
We’ll need a new email address for this one. I suggest going to Gmail.com and getting a free email address. You’ll use this email address for completing all the offers for Inbox Dollars, so if it gets put on a spam list you don’t really care. No real email will be going to it anyway.
Login to Inbox Dollars and click on Cash Offers in the list of links on the left of the page. You’ll probably find the Ebay offer in the Most Popular Offers section at the bottom of the page. If not, look through the pages of offers to find it.
The terms of the offer are that you must register for Ebay as a new user, and make a bid on an item. Since we have a brand new Gmail email account, it doesn’t matter if you’re already an Ebay member. Click on the offer to be taken to Ebay’s signup page (you must click on the offer, if you go directly to Ebay you won’t get credit for signing up).
Signup using the Gmail address you just created (if you created one to use for registering with Inbox Dollars, don’t use that one. Use the second one you should have gotten). After you get the confirmation email, login to Ebay and find an item to bid on. I tend to use the search phrase “coach bags”, because there’s always tons of them. You want to find an item that has several bids on it, and isn’t expiring soon. You can sort the listing by price to find the cheapest items (usually starting at 1 cent).
Go to the cheapest item you can find that has several bids, and make a bid that’s the minimum amount you can bid over the last bid. The chances are very good that someone else’s automatic bidder will outbid you even before the page refreshes. If not, the item’s cheap enough and there’s enough time left on the auction that you’ll be outbid eventually.
After an hour or so, your Inbox Dollars account will be credited with $6, for a total of $12. You may have received an email or two to click on in the meantime. Those will credit your account for a few cents each, but I won’t take those into account as part of the $30.
In the Cash Offers section, find the Stamps.com offer and click on it. You’ll need to provide credit card information as part of the signup, but as long as you cancel your account before the trial period ends you won’t be charged anything.
Once your Inbox Account is credited for $10.00 for this offer (which will take a few hours), you’ll have a total of $22.00, plus be able to print out $5 worth of postage from the Stamps.com application that you just downloaded. Be sure to print out your $5 worth of postage before canceling your trial account.
All the trial offers at Inbox Dollars will work this way, you’ll provide a credit card and have a certain amount of time to cancel your account without being charged.
You’ll find this one in the free offers section. OboPay is a technology for sending money via SMS messages. You’ll need a cell phone, but no credit card. You’ll even get $10 deposited into your OboPay account as a thank you for signing up.
Plus you’ll get $4 in your Inbox Dollars account, bringing your total up to $26.
Direct Scholar
This offer is in the free offers section. Direct Scholar is a site that says it’ll help you find the best degree for you. In reality, it’s a portal that refers to one of several college sites depending on what you’re looking for (collecting a commission for referring you). Fill out the form at Direct Scholar to get more information on a degree.
At some point you’ll switch from being at Direct Scholar to being at a college website. The main clue is that you’re asked to fill out a form that asks you for the same information all over again. Since the offer was to sign up for Direct Scholar, you can close the window at the point when they direct you to a college website.
This one takes several days to credit your account. When it does, you’ll get $2, for a total of $28.
Survey Panels
Go to the Survey Offers section and find the NPD Online Research offer. Click the offer and signup to NPD using the same email you used for the Ebay offer. You’ll have to complete an initial demographic survey, and then you’ll get a link to another survey in your email. Go ahead and complete that survey to get some points to put into a prize drawing. You probably won’t win, but you never know.
When your Inbox Dollars account is credited $1.25 for this, your total will be $29.25. This should happen very quickly, probably before you complete the rest of the offers below.
Also complete the Net Panel offer for $1.50, the Neilson Net Ratings offer for $1.25,, the Lightspeed Research offer for $1, the ACOP Opinion Panel offer for $0.50, and the Opinion Outpost offer for $0.50, for a total of $34.00.
These particular survey offers were picked because they credit your account quickly, and with no trouble. Some of the other survey offers take days to credit your account.
Note in the Net Panel offer, all your really need to do is to go through the initial list of radio buttons, clicking No to every offer. When they get into the list of offers showing pictures, where they say you have to click Yes to one of them, you should be able to close the window and you’ll still get credit from Inbox Dollars. Do not sign up for any of the other survey panels here, since you won’t get paid for doing so.
For the Neilson Net Ratings offer, you do have to download and install their tracking software to get credit. You can always uninstall it later, or leave it running if you don’t mind them knowing what websites you visit.
If you don’t get credit for an offer after a few days, clear your cookies and try signing up again. Either use a different email address, or if you’re using Gmail accounts you can insert periods into your email address without affecting delivery. For example, if my Gmail address were paidtoread@gmail.com, I could use paid.to.read@gmail.com and the email would still get to me. But it’ll seem like a different email to the websites you sign up at.
Ask for a Payout
You’re now at $34.00. Click the Request Payment link on the left side of the Inbox Dollars control center to request your payment. They take $3 out for processing, so you’ll get $31 from them (if you’re upset about getting more than $30, leave out the two 50 cent survey panels). They do have some fine print on their check disbursement…they take a month or two to cut a check, and you have to be an active member by the time they do. This basically means confirming the paid emails they send.
You’ve also completed a number of different sorts of offers at Inbox Dollars and gotten a feel for how they work. There’s a lot more money to be had there, especially in the trial offers. The key point with trial offers is to remember to cancel before they start charging you. To be safe, wait until the last few days of the trial period, but don’t wait too long.
Bonus Secret
You can complete all the same offers at Treasure Trooper to make an extra $23.00, and at Cash Crate to make another $22.75. Both those amounts are over the minimum payout in each program.
The trick is to use a different email address (or use the dots in the address trick with Gmail accounts) to complete the offers at Treasure Trooper, and yet another email address for the offers at Cash Crate. It would also help to clear your web browser’s cookies between completing the Inbox Dollar offers and starting the Treasure Trooper offers, and again before starting the Cash Crate offers.
Note also that not all offers are in common between the three programs, so some of the Inbox Dollars offers won’t be available at Treasure Trooper and Cash Crate.
So in under 3 hours total, you could have $79.75, less processing fees, coming your way. Not too bad! The free trial offers at all three programs can earn you far more money than that, too. Just be sure to cancel them after you’ve been credited, but before they start to charge you.
What do you think? Is this an abuse of the advertisers, or a legitimate way of making money online?
See Also :
New Program from Adult FriendFinder, gain $500 per twenty-four hours
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