13 May 2010


Mother's Day has extra meaning for Hastings family

It may be a record setting day for flower and chocolate sales. But a woman named Anna Jarvis actually created Mother's day in the early 20th century as a way to pay tribute to her mother.

A century later families still honor their mothers.

News Five's Amy West joins us in the newsroom with why three Hastings children are particularly grateful to have their mother with them.

Amy what was exactly that this family had to overcome?

This time last year Elena Perry did not know a goiter she had yet to remove would end up revealing thyroid cancer.

After surgery and treatment Elena said things are looking good, but this Mother's Day she is reminded of how lucky she is to be alive.

Mike and Elena Perry were college sweethearts.

Now, 12 years, 3 children and one battle with cancer later Elena said she does not want to miss one moment of being a mom.

“I'm more likely to go play with them instead of saying, 'oh, I'm going to watch TV you go play,' everyday just means more to me,” said cancer survivor Elena Perry.

It was less than a year ago doctors diagnosed Elena with thyroid cancer. Radioactive iodine treatment and surgery separated her from her family.

“I had to send my kids away for about two weeks to Kansas because they couldn't be around me because I was basically radioactive—yea you went to your cousin's house. And I had to do that to protect them because I couldn't be around them,” said Elena.

“I love being around her...you know...and I guess just the thought of not having her—that was a difficult experience having her wheeled away there at the hospital and putting her safety her life into the hands of a surgeon,” said Elena’s husband, Michael Perry.

Elena said battling cancer also made her think of her own mother.

“I'm grown, I have my own kids. I don't really think of it as I'm her little girl...but during this I was her little girl again. And she'd call in, 'are you ok?' and, 'we're coming,' and 'what can we do to help?',” said Elena.

Now, being able to celebrate Mothers Day with her husband and children Elena and Mike both said they have learned to appreciate the simple things.

100 Years Ago in Rome News-Tribune

As presented in the Fifty Years Ago column in the Sunday, April 24, 1960 edition of the Rome News-Tribune

“In characteristic, fearless fashion, Judge John W. Maddox opened the closet and dragged Floyd County’s family skeletons out in full view and shook the dry bones before the Grand Jury,” summoned for the adjourned criminal term of court, last week in 1910.

He gave particular stress to the number of recent escapes from the convict camp and the county jail. “Investigate, recommend a remedy, and if the County Commission fails to act, have the Solicitor General prefer charges against them,” he said.


A telegram from Joe Patton, attending an organizational meeting in Morristown, Tenn., announced that Rome was in the new baseball league, and that “Play ball” would be heard here on May 30 when Rome and Gadsden would meet on the diamond. Other cities in the league were Asheville, Knoxville and Johnson City. … The Elks lodge was planning to erect a building to cost at least $40,000. It was to be several stories high. With more than 225 members, the lodge was in its most prosperous condition in history. … Workmen were remodeling the W.A. Knowles building at 327 Broad Street. The lower floor was to be occupied by Esserman’s Bee Hive, F.E. Vaissiere and Co., jewelers, was to occupy the Bee Hive’s former location next to the Cherokee Hotel.


The wonders of medical science were illustrated in Rome, when a new operation was successfully performed for the first time in this city. A physician in a local sanitarium had removed a goiter from the neck of a lady, and she had recovered and was in better health than in many years. Only in recent years had the operation been attempted. The current practice in 1910 was to remove about half the growth. Then the remainder would waste away. It had been discovered by experience that death followed with the removal of the entire growth. … Dr. R.M. Harbin was attending the state medical meeting in Athens, where he was to read a paper on appendicitis, a lively topic with the profession, as well as the laity. … Seven of Rome’s bright little children had been hurried to the Pasteur Institute in Atlanta for treatment in response to the dreaded news that the dog which had bitten all of them showed symptoms of rabies. They were the four children of F.M. Parker and Esaline Formby, Paul White and Mary Griffin. …


Rome, along with the rest of the nation, was mourning the death of Mark Twain, America’s greatest humorist. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, which was his real name, died last week in 1910 in Reading, Conn. … William F. Ogburn, one of Georgia’s brightest young men, had been awarded a scholarship to Columbia. He had taught at Darlington School for a couple of years before. … Bowie Brothers had installed a fine new electric sign, which flashed the name of the company along with a realistic zig-zag lighting effect. … The art class of Shorter College had a frolic at Barnsley Gardens. The trip was made in a large band wagon. … B.I. Hughes had amputated his chin whiskers, and had less of an aggressive look to frighten would-be borrowers at the First National Bank. …


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