06 June 2010

Stephen Hill aka Steve Driver Leapt to His Death

Steve Driver leapt to his death when surrounded by police in a day-long stand-off at Chatsworth hillside.

In the stand-off, Driver was seen holding a two-foot-long sword. When SWAT decided to move-in, Driver leapt of a boulder and fell in about 45 feet below.

Driver was also heard yelling atop the hill, “I want to die” and “It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.”

Driver was suspect in stabbing and slashing incident that happened in Ultima DVD’s office in Van Nuys. Tommy Dong aka Herbert Wong was killed and two others were injured. After the incident, he was seen in a video escaping on a vehicle while still holding swords.

The location where the stand-off happened was often used in pornshoots

Steve Driver or Stephen Hill in real life was rumored to have obsession in swords as he was seen in some of his scenes handling swords.

See Also :


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